
経済研究 第7号(2015年3月)

“Geographical Distribution of Tone in Tai-Kadai”
ENDO Mitsuki

高 準亨 / 森田 裕史
“On the determinants of Japanese public debt dynamics”
KO Jun-Hyung / MORITA Hiroshi

藤森 裕美
“Consideration of the Behavioral Economics about the Support Posture of SME Finance Facilitation Act Use Company and the Financial Institution: Focus on the Gap of the Qustioner”

中込 正樹 / 牧 和生
“A Neuroeconomics Study of Herd Mentality and Flaming Effects in Markets: Considering Economics Implications of Experimental Results”
NAKAGOME Masaki / MAKI Kazuo

松本 茂 / 岩田 和之
“Use of next generation vehicles: An analysis of Japanese used car market data”
MATSUMOTO Shigeru / IWATA Kazuyuki